Berkay Dönmez

Meteorological Engineer &
Atmospheric Sciences MSc. Student
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I am a meteorological engineer. I have been analyzing various climate and meteorological data and utilizing different spatial analysis tools and regional atmospheric models to better understand our atmosphere. As part of my master's degree in atmospheric sciences, I am studying the short-term and long-term interaction between urbanization, heat, and the atmosphere, using high-resolution climate projections downscaled with the COSMO model.

I enjoy coding in Python and Fortran and frequently use the WRF and COSMO regional atmospheric models in my research, and I love creating dashboards for exploratory analyses of meteorological variables. I worked at climate and renewable energy companies, where I gained practical experience in evaluating climate-related risks for historical and projected periods and analyzing SCADA and wind energy production forecast data.

I love taking the initiative and sharing with other people. For example, I co-founded the Climaturk platform, which provides both researchers and students in Turkey with past severe weather analyses of Turkey and climatological indices to evaluate the climatological background of Turkey.

In addition to my scientific half, I play the electric guitar and love singing.